Manager Information

Team Manager - Roles and Responsibilities


The role of a RSDMBHA Team Manager is critical to the success of the coach, players and season. The main purpose of a Team Manager is to communicate, coordinate and manage the team throughout the season. All matters affecting the team should be communicated through the Team Manager.

The Team Manager serves as a liaison between the Coaches, the Association (RSDMBHA) and the players/parents. Having a Team Manager allows the Coaching staff to focus on coaching and development of the players.

It is RSDMBHA policy to have any member of the Team management who has direct access to the players complete a Criminal Record Check. This can be done online by going to:

Click to complete Criminal Record Check online  Online Access Code is GV9FTSQSHQ

It is a good idea for the Team Manager or the coaches to set the expectations for the team in terms of communication. If a player is going to miss a practice or game they should email the Team Manager. If there are any concerns the parents should email the Team Manager.


Jersey Distribution:

Team Managers should take note of all jersey numbers for the team. The Team Manager is to complete a list of the jersey numbers and corresponding player name. (This list is inside the lid of your Uniform bucket. At the end of the season, you can confirm that each of these jersey’s came back, once returned to the Equipment manager, we can destroy the deposit cheques.


Team Communication:

Communicating the practice and game schedule and any related changes. Although Team snap does a lot of this, if a change happens it is often better to send out an email directly rather than relying on Parents using team snap to confirm a location or time change. Through Team snap the league is now able to email communications directly to families.


Code of Conduct Forms and Jersey Deposits:

Collecting all Code of Conduct forms from each player and when you have the entire team, depositing them into the Black RSDMBHA box on the Pond at RIC. Please put them in an envelope and write the name of the team (Minor P1, or Peanut 2 - not the name chosen by the team)

Collecting all Jersey Deposit Cheques from all players and when you have the entire team, depositing them into the Black RSDMBHA box on the Pond at RIC. Please put them in an envelope and write the name of the team (Minor P1, or Peanut 2 - not the name chosen by the team)

**note you can deposit both the Code of Conduct forms and the Jersey deposit cheques at the same time. They must be in the RSDMBHA Box no later than April 30, 2022.


Affiliated Players (AP)

Players can be called up from a lower division. You can only call up a player if your team is down to 10 runners or less. For Example: If you have 11 runners and a goalie, you are not eligible to call up an AP player. If you cannot find a player to call up, you call pull a player laterally (from the same division) however, you must advise the coach of the other team prior to the game that you were unable to field a team and you are using a player from the same division. You will forfeit the game 1-0 to them. However, you want to play a game.


Extra floor space or practice space:

The league provides each team with a certain number of practice slots. Should your team wish to have extra practice time, you can check with to see if she can secure additional time. There is a charge for this extra space. You can also book a practice at the Burnette Lacrosse box - there is no charge for this but a request needs to be put into city rentals. Should you wish to chance it, you can show up to this box, and if no one is on it, practice. However, if someone has booked it through the city you would have to leave.


Players who have quit:

If a player has advised you that they quit or will no longer be playing, please send an email to If they emailed you just forward the email. Do not delete the player from your team roster, it needs to be done at the League level for insurance purposes.


Adding Players to Teams:

Coaches cannot decide to take on a new player, they must go through the league. The league then looks at if the player can register and which team the player will be placed on. The player cannot be on the floor until the league has assigned them to a team and you have been notified by email. If you have lost players, and have someone who might be interested in playing, please contact


Team Phots:

Responsible for picking up and distributing the Team Photos envelopes and make sure all players are aware of the photo date and time (there are no make-up sessions for team photos). Photo Day is TBD. The schedule will be added after the start of the season.


Team Gatherings and Social Events:

Responsible for coordinating team gatherings or social events and a post season wind-up should the Head Coach support this.


Team Snap Support:

If you run into any challenges with team snap please feel free to contact us. If we can’t help you right away we will reach out to Team snap to find an answer.


Game Day Responsibilities:

  • Game Sheets:

Managers are responsible for filling out the game sheet for each game. The HOME Team is responsible for providing the game sheet and the scorekeeper. You should be at the rink no later than 15 minutes prior to the game to ensure that the sheet is updated with the players who are attending. Players can come late and join the team, but once the ball drops in the second period they are no longer allowed to take part in a game. Any players not at the rink should be crossed off the Game Sheet, or not added. Either the team coach or the manager must sign the game sheet to confirm the players on the sheet.

Please see section on How to complete a game Sheet


  • Scorekeeper Schedule:

Create a Scorekeeper schedule for all HOME games. Each parent will take a turn in the score box. The most effective way to handle this is to create a schedule and ask parents to self-manage if they need to switch days or have a conflict. Any changes should be sent back to the Team Manager for record.


  • Referee & Time Keeper Payments:

Responsible for paying the Referees and time keepers - I have found it helpful to put the money into envelopes. This allows you to deliver the game sheet and the referee and time keeper payment at the start of the game. Referees are not to release the game sheets until they have been paid.

  • Refreshment Schedule:

For smaller kids, arrange for a Refreshment schedule, you can use Team snap to assign Treat days to each family.

  • Parent feedback

Make sure the parents on your team know you are there to answer any questions and help the season run smoothly. If you have any questions you can direct them to and we will get them to the correct board member, or get you the answers.


Board of Directors

Make yourself familiar with the various members of the Board for RSDMBHA. There are many people there to help should you have questions or feedback from parents to share. Please click "Contact us" to better direct you to a board member that can further assist you!



  • Extra game sheets will be available in the right hand drawer under our Display case at RIC. If you notice there are none left, please let us know at
  • Extra ice packs will be available in the right hand drawer under our display case at RIC. If you notice there are none left, please let us know at


End of Season

The Team Manager is responsible for communicating the Wind up Day details. The Team Manager is responsible for ensuring all jerseys are Washed and returned to

designated drop off - TBA (UNLESS your team is going to Provincials) this is very important for the parents; late or un-returned jersey's will result in the jersey deposit being cashed. Please explain this to the parents. When handing in your team set of Jerseys please be sure to include the original team Jersey's list which should stay inside the uniform tote at all times - The jerseys are property of RSDMBHA and must be returned in good condition





If your team is the home team you are responsible for completing the game sheet and giving it to the other team. Using the BC Ball Hockey Association Game sheets provided by the League, please complete the Home Team - Please make sure the Team Name assigned by the league is the first thing listed in this box - your team name can come after this. i.e. Peanut 1 - The Marvels

Enter the Sweater number in the SW# field, starting with the starting Goalie then the player name. Include players you know will be at the game, or are in the dressing room. If you use labels, be sure to cross off the players that are not playing that game. It must be done on each page. If you expect a player will be later, you can add the player to your game sheet. As long as that player arrives prior to the ball drop in the Second period, they can play. Otherwise their name should be crossed off.

If you use an Affiliated player make sure that you indicate and (AP) next to the players name.

For provincials rosters must be verified to League Team lists.

  • On the right hand side of the Game sheet, add League for Event or League.
  • Enter the Arena - i.e. Minoru Silver or RIC Pond
  • Enter the Game Date
  • There are no game numbers needed
  • The Score keeper should enter the time the game started
  • Once you have confirmed your roster for the game, please have the coach
  • or you sign the sheet to verify players.
  • Give the game sheet to the opposing team to complete.
  • Game sheets and Referee payments should be on the bench prior to the start of the warm up.

Richmond South Delta Minor Ball Hockey Association © 2020

Providing a Spring Ball Hockey League for youth in the City of Richmond, Ladner, South Delta, and Tsawwassen British Columbia, Canada since 2000.

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